… feel proud.

The festive break is almost upon us so we want to wish you all a very happy holiday season. Students and staff from across campus have come together to bring you some ‘Tis the season to …’ festive joy and useful info. Look out for some familiar faces over the next two weeks.

We’re starting with a message from our SU Sab Officers. 


And here’s what they’re looking forward to working on next term!

  • Stanford – Society Awards
  • Nasra – Careers Week
  • Ginny – Varsity
  • Shubham – A full-time International Officer
  • Sally – People’s Vote

Feel proud of all that you’ve achieved this term too #TisTheSeason

For those staying in Bristol, please find out about our opening hours during the holidays including study spaces, the Students’ Health Service and the sports facilities. If you want to talk to someone over the festive season, you will be able to access support via our Residential Life Support Centre, open to all students for urgent issues, whether you live in Uni residences or not. There are also self-help tools to provide support, including Big White Wall.

Join the University Staying in Bristol Facebook Group listing events and activities taking place over the festive season.


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