Congratulations to our winners!

We had a brilliant response to the Alumni Awards Gala Dinner competition and really enjoyed reading each and every one of your entries. 

Well done to Leah, Monica and Rory, who won their place at the table to see Sir David Attenborough receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the black-tie event last Tuesday. The winning entries are detailed below.

David Attenborough looks at medicinal plants used by capuchin monkeys. Photo Stephen Dunleavy, copyright Humble Bee Films

Leah summed up what it means to her to be a Bristol student with: Community, Belonging, and AdventureExplaining that “Bristol means belonging to a community of similar thinkers, learners, and adventurers, in both the academic and social sphere. It means adventuring socially, physically, and mentally, and belonging to more than just myself. Bristol means somewhere I can be myself, in earnest, and explore what being myself really means.”

Global, Daring, and Inclusive were the three words Monica chose to describe being a Bristol student, saying that “With such an international community, four years in Bristol has allowed me to build lifelong friendships spanning the whole world. Bristol students dare to challenge the status quo, think outside the box, and start conversations that stir real change. There is truly something for everyone in this beautiful, buzzing city!”

Rory chose Fostering, Uplifting, and Alive to explain what being a Bristol student means to him, explaining that “Since arriving in Bristol, I’ve found myself welcomed by a University of peers and a city of life, which come together to create a community like no other. Opportunities: academic, social, and creative, are everywhere; and the resources and support with which to pursue them are more than ample.”

Their prize included a champagne reception followed by a three-course dinner alongside many high-profile alumni. Sir David Attenborough received the Lifetime Achievement Award on the night. 

Thank you again to everyone who entered, and congratulations to our very lucky winners!

University Mental Health Day 2019

In support of University Mental Health Day 2019, we talk to students and staff about how they are using their voice to change the future of mental health at the University and beyond. Discover how you too can make a difference, today and always.

“I will be using my voice as the Student Living Officer at the Bristol Students’ Union to ensure that the University of Bristol commits to its duty of care and offers pastoral support to students of all  backgrounds. If you want to find out more, please check out my blog post launching the student wellbeing health strategy” – Vanessa Wilson, Student Living Officer 

At the University of Bristol your voice is valued, which is why your opinion was at the heart of our Mental Health Strategy. Get involved in the next Mental Health Consultation at the end of March. Use your voice to make a change.

“As part of the Black Dog Project, we use our voice to educate young people on a range of topics to do with mental health. Our aim is, through education, to reduce the stigma often associated with these types of conversations amongst young people.

I think it is important to raise our voice about mental health because everyone has mental health. Children need to learn that it is as important to look after their mental mind as it is to look after their bodies.” – Nina Rabbitt, Black Dog Project President, Third Year Student

Want to get involved? Find out more here. Use your voice to make a change.

“Passionate about driving change in our city, I am organising ‘Project WalkToTalk Bristol’ with a team of students from Bristol Medical School. The aim is to make mental health a conversation amongst young people and bring communities together in a positive way over something we all, no doubt experience. The event also raises money for Off The Record (Bristol), a charity and social movement aiming to empower young people in a sustainable way. Join us on 4th May… Let’s do this, together.” – George Cole, Project WalkToTalk Bristol Organiser, Second Year Student 

Attend the event and help beat the stigma associated with mental health.

“Discussions around mental wellbeing are part of everyday life, they  happen wherever you are.” – Carolyn Jones, Student Wellbeing Adviser in the School of Social Sciences and Law 

You are not on your own. There is always a friendly face and listening ear nearby. Find out what services we have, what they do and how they can help you.




 “The Healthy Minds programme supports students to take positive steps to improve the way they feel through physical activity and sport. We’ve found that students have reported an improvement in their wellbeing through involvement in the scheme.” – Peter Burrows, Physical Activity and Health Development Officer

Exercise is good for your mind, as well as your body, participating in our Healthy Minds programme could not be easier. To find out more watch this short video with Isaac who took part in the scheme, read about how Beth got involved and visit the site.


Your voice is powerful, use it to shape the future of mental health, today and always! 

Out with the old, in with the new

Demolition of the Temple Quarter site has begun!

There’s no bang, no dramatic demolition, no explosion. So, we’ve chosen to mark the occasion with a difference, through spoken word.

University of Bristol alumni and award-winning spoken word artist, Vanessa Kisuule, pays homage to the site, which has been a former sorting office, a cattle market and once had a burgeoning rave scene. Inspired by the authenticity and grit, Vanessa reflects on the site’s heritage with ‘Brick Me’…

We’ll be sharing more from this former UoB English student, and our other Artists-in-Residence, who will continue to explore the stories of the local area and its inhabitants, collecting memories from the past and hopes for the future. Keep your eyes peeled and get inspired.