Mental Health Awareness week: Give

Giving back to the community

by Grant Stevens, Senior Resident

Giving back to the community can be incredibly rewarding. It doesn’t have to be in big ways such as fundraisers or volunteering in a shop (but if you can do those then that’s great too) but can be from something as simple as litter picking or helping an elderly neighbour. (more…)

Mental Health Awareness week: Learning

Wellbeing through learning

by Margaret Andrews, Senior Resident

Learning a new skill, or picking up an old one again, can provide a welcome change of scene and a new outlook! There are loads of opportunities to pick up at university that could help you try something new, improve on something old or just have fun! Anecdotally, at least, learning something new can be beneficial to one’s mental health as well, and so “learn” is listed as one of the five ways to wellbeing. (more…)

Mental Health Awareness week: Connect

Best ways to meet new people at Uni!

by Will Chapman, Senior Resident in North Village

Connecting with new people can seem like a bit of a minefield, but meeting new people, or forming closer connections with current acquaintances, can bring fantastic benefits for your wellbeing. In this post, we highlight some activities that can be done in and around Bristol that can facilitate connection:  (more…)

Mental Health Awareness week: Take notice

Enhance your wellbeing with our top 10 ways to take notice! 

by Beth Robinson, Senior Resident

The phrase ‘take notice’ refers to ways you can be aware of what is taking place in the present. Savouring the moment. Broadening your awareness of your surroundings and taking the time to enjoy the environment around you. Whilst the phrase ‘enjoying the environment’ can illicit images of pretty plants and natural reservoirs, taking notice doesn’t have to be all about sunshine and rainbows – in fact it can be done anywhere (I know my environment is revising in my room 50% of the time right now…). Taking notice has been linked to not only wellbeing, but being able to make positive choices based on your own values. Here’s 10 practical ways you can take notice today, in a variety of different environments!   (more…)

Mental Health Awareness week: Be active

Get moving this summer to improve your wellbeing!

by Beth Robinson, Senior Resident

I think we all know by now that exercise is linked to better wellbeing. Whether it’s the yoga that was constantly recommended to you during lockdown, walking your dog, or playing tennis when we were allowed to play sports with someone else for the first time in a long time, we hope that you all have found some way to stay healthy both physically and mentally over the past year.  

With summer rapidly approaching, we wanted to share some of our favourite things to do in Bristol which can keep both your body and brain healthyScroll to the bottom for some University-led exercise events and links too! 

We asked current students for their thoughts…   (more…)

Reflecting on a year during COVID for World Art Day 2021

In celebration of  World Art Day on 15 April 2021. ResiLife is launching a student competition for all budding artists, photographers and creators. The subject for all entries is to reflect “A year at UOB during COVID-19”.


Over the past year, students at the University of Bristol have shown huge resilience through the many different challenges that no one could have anticipated. We would like to celebrate World Art Day by reflecting on 2020 through a student’s eyes, using art to express the resilience shown and many challenges overcome. Thinking about your time here at Bristol this year, we would like your help to capture this and create something spectacular that will last for many years to come. (more…)